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Our commitment to safety.

We have developed our Integrated Management System based on the requirements of Government legislation, industry expectations and The Australian & International Standards. Through this Management System, we have successfully integrated our business divisions and practices, ensuring continued excellence in the delivery of all projects and works. 

 ISO 45001: 2018

Occupational Health & Safety Management System

This system has been developed to maintain a safe and healthy workplace for all workplace participants. It is designed to manage all OH&S risk to prevent any work-related injuries and improve the organisations OH&S performance.


Universals’ commitment to safety extends to the wider community, ensuring that our organisation eliminate all hazards which may impact members of the public, local community and the natural environment of all hazards and risks.  


ISO 14001: 2015

Environmental Management System

This system was developed to protect, prevent and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts, whilst also enhancing the organisations positive environmental performance.


In order to achieve these environmental responsibilities, we ensure that all activities comply with the current environmental legislations and regulations through detailed preparation and planning, when undertaking all stages of a project. We are committed to positively managing our environmental impacts and ensuring a sustainable future.


ISO 9001:2015

Quality Management System

This system has been developed to improve the company’s overall performance and establishes the foundations for sustainable development and continuous improvement.


We promote communication between our staff as well as our clients and sub-contractors to enable them to be actively involved with the continual improvement of our workplace and address all risks and opportunities that impact our organisation. Universal is committed to delivering a high-quality outcome to facilitate and enhance the company as well as meet our customers’ expectations. 

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